Although I started in German Shepherds in 1982, it took me almost 5 years to find breeding stock. My start was a frustrating one. I was told that there was no such thing as a pretty, healthy working German Shepherd that could fit into a family environment. WRONG! Not believing a word people said, I began my search for the perfect Shepherd. My start was with a female, Canadian bred Shepherd that I put a Canadian Championship on and a CDX/TDX, but was a complete failure in Schutzhund. This was in 1982. It took until 1986 to find what in my mind was the vision I had been looking for....
V1-CH. Xanthie v d hohen Erie SchH2 TD KKL la Lbz
In a six month period I put a Canadian Championship, SchH1, SchH2, two legs on a CD, TD, Breed survey and bred her to VA-Putz v Arjakjo SchH3 FH IP3 KKL la Lbz (my second litter). Xanthie has also won the G.S.D.C of America Annual Training Achievement Award for the highest cumulative Dam since 1991 (meaning she has produced the most working offspring in North America). In the mean time I was fortunate enough to come upon V1-Dela v Kirschental HGH KKL la Lbz and had her shown in the World Championships in the Herding Class, in which she placed 3rd. Dela was bred to 3 time Herding Sieger V-UX v Kirschental SchH3 HGH KKL la Lbz. This was my first litter. As you can see by my accomplishment list I had already proven everyone wrong. You will see these bitches in most of my bloodlines today.

V1-Dela v Kirschental HGH, KKL1, La Lbz
Brandy was my start with success with the RCMP dog section. Being one of Canada's top tracking dogs, he has made it possible for me to become one of the major suppliers to the RCMP for puppies. Echo, as he is called, appeared in Time magazine after his apprehension of famed criminal, Allan Legere.
Of course, I can't say enough about my Brew. He is a dog of a lifetime, he not only had great success at the USA National Seiger Show, but won the Regional Schutzund Three Championships and qualified us for the World Championships in Belgium. Brew produces his excellent temperament, structure and pigment. He has many, many Schutzund titled, obedience titled, search and rescue, RCMP offspring and Brew now has a son from a Dela daughter that is Canada's first Conservation dog. Brew won the G.S.D.C of America Annual Training Achievement Award for Sires in 1993 and 1994.

V1-CH. Brew v. Bullinger SchH3 IP3, KKL1 'a' Lbz
Brew At 15 Years Old
Over the past 40 years I have spent considerable time and effort proving to both my colleagues and adversaries that you can not only have a healthy dog with correct structure, but also one that possesses all the temperament and working ability needed for Schutzhund. My breeding program has always been and still remains based on the ideology of Max von Stephanitz where all aspects of the breed standard are judged as a whole and not in parts as we see now in the division of the conformation from Schutzund. The perfect dog is the balanced dog which has equal merits in both categories not the two extremes we see today. As von Stephanitz said: "correct intelligence in a healthy, useful and appropriately structured body." In my opinion it is of utmost importance that the regulated breeding practices set out by the SV in both conformation and Schutzund be vehemently adhered to in order to maintain and further the quality of the breed. By this I mean breeding only dogs who have been V-rated, breed surveyed and have unquestionable pronounced courage.
I remain one of the few kennels in North America to abide by the strict breed standard and it has been this commitment that has led to my achievements as a breeder and has allowed me to attain a reputation as a breeder continually striving for the balanced dog while improving the breed.
I have bred over hundreds and hundreds of dogs that have obtained Championships, Schutzund titles, Obedience titles, Breed surveys, or are working Police Service dogs, Search and Rescue, multiple High in Trial dogs and not only in Obedience, but Schutzund as well. I am breeder of 7 Canadian National Sieger/Siegerins, 4 Canadian National Vice Sieger/Siegerins and 8 V-rated dogs at the USA National Sieger Show, and in 1991-1992 I was named #1 Kennel Group at the USA National Sieger Show. To date I remain the only Breeder in North America to have obtained these accomplishments with their own breeding stock. Also, I am one of the few Breeder, trainer, handlers, that hold a gold medal for sports points. I strongly believe it is important to not only to be capable to judge your dogs for structure, but you have to know what a good dog feels like on the end of a leash and working your dogs in all facets of Schutzhund is the only way to do this.
The following quote is from "Dog Sport Magazine" re:1994 USA National Sieger Show in Virgina:
Tracy Bullinger
"Many outstanding specimens of the breed make one-time appearances in these puppy, young dog and adult classes never to be seen again in a USA ring because they never get titled. They never qualify for the working dog class and their breed worthiness potential never realized. Conversely, many spectators rarely take notice of the presence of breeders such as Tracy Bullinger, of British Columbia, who has exhibited in all of the Sieger Shows. Tracy's breedings can be found achieving success in all classes from the puppy classes to the working dog class."
I am pleased to know that my level of commitment does not go completely unnoticed and I would like to add that there are no shortcuts to success and I strongly urge all breeders and fanciers alike to embrace the SV and all it embodies for the sake of the breed.
At Bullinger Shepherds, we give all levels of support whether it is for the beginner breeder, serious Schutzund and show enthusiast or pet owner. Our guarantee and level of client satisfaction goes unmatched.
We select only a few dogs for import each year for our breeding program and clients and we place a great deal of emphasis on finding the right dog for the right situation and ensuring customer satisfaction.
All breeding stock, imported or domestic are from Schutzhund titled, breed surveyed and v-rated 100% German Bloodlines.
Tracy Bullinger